企業資源規劃 – Enterprise Resource Planning 《 ERP system 》
企業資源規劃 – Enterprise Resource Planning 《 ERP system 》
- 生產管理:工程、材料清單(Bill Of Material)、排程、產能、工作流管理、品質控制、成本管理、生產過程、生產工程、生產流程、生產配置、產品生命周期管理
- 進銷存貨管理:庫存、訂單輸入、採購、供應商排程、貨物檢查、付款請求處理、佣金計算
- 財務管理及會計專案:總帳、現金管理、應付帳款管理、應收帳款管理、票據資金管理、固定資產管理
- 成本管理:帳單、時間和支出、活動管理
- 人力資源管理:人力資源、薪金名冊、培訓管理、員工班別和出勤管理、津貼、勞健保、績效考核
- 供應鏈管理:和客戶、供應商、員工之間的各種自服務介面,採購,存貨,處理索賠,倉儲(收貨,上架,揀貨和包裝)
- 專案管理:專案規劃,資源規劃,專案花費,工作分解結構,發票,時間和費用,業績單元,活動管理
- 客戶關係管理(CRM):銷售和市場行銷,佣金,服務,客戶聯絡,呼叫中心支援 – CRM系統並不總是被認為ERP系統的一部分,而是業務支撐系統(BSS)。
- 資料服務:為客戶,供應商及/或雇員的各種「自我服務」的介面
Everything starts with research before delivering our amazing work. A well-rounded research can help to develop an in-depth understanding towards current market conditions and competitors. Creative ideas and strategies will then be generated according to the research, e.g. How to solve your potential problems? How to make your project stand out from the crowd through digital technology?
After sufficient information has gathered, we will be ready for the UX phase – Information Architecture, Persona, User Flow, Sitemap, Wireframe, Prototype and User Test. We take all your target users into account and work from their perspectives to make sure they all have an amazing digital journey.
Catchy and interactive User Interface (UI) will also be designed by our professional front-end and back-end programmers for your webpage and mobile app.
In the final phase, we will perform a successful User Acceptance Testing (UAT) to deliver excellent work that makes you fall in love with our services.